With the help of Arizona State University and the educational video company Crash Course, YouTube has announced today a new programme that will allow students to earn college credit for their YouTube videos. College Foundations is a new initiative from the Google-owned firm that aims to make earning college credit more accessible and affordable.
Beginning today, students can enrol in four courses scheduled to begin on March 7, 2023, and count toward transfer credit. There is no application process and no required GPA to join the programme. Common first-year college offerings like “Intro to Human Communication,” “Rhetoric and Composition,” “Real World College Math,” and “U.S. History to 1865” are all included.
By January 2025, the programme is projected to offer 12 courses, allowing students the opportunity to earn credit for an entire first year of college. Registration and course work costs $25, and each course’s worth of college credit costs an additional $400. Those who enrol by March 7 will save $50. A student may repeat a course an unlimited number of times to achieve the desired grade. After that, you can use the credit at any school that recognises ASU’s diploma.
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The College Foundations partnership between Arizona State University, YouTube, and Crash Course, an educational channel with over 14 million subscribers and founded by John and Hank Green, is an expansion of an existing Study Hall partnership.
“Developed and taught by the same faculty who conduct research and teach students on ASU’s campuses, the lessons combine ASU’s academic excellence with Crash Courses’ compelling storytelling — all on YouTube’s wide-ranging platform,” the company wrote in a blog post.
To get started, students can preview available classes for no cost and then enrol in the one they find most interesting to begin working toward a degree. After enrolling in a course, students can email a success coach for assistance with course work. You are free to work on assignments whenever it is most convenient for you, but most courses have weekly due dates. Some lecturers offer elective office hours for students who would like extra help. YouTube has hosted educational videos for some time now, and now that users can actually earn college credit for watching these videos, the site is serving as a gateway to more formal education.
In light of the recent launch of YouTube Courses, which aims to provide a more organised approach to learning on the platform, this news comes at a timely moment. In addition to publishing and categorising their videos, educators can also include text reading materials and questions within the video app itself.